
Daly, Ho & Associates was founded on 1 April 2013. It is a specialised firm dedicated to work in the areas of administrative law, immigration law, refugee law, human rights law, international public law and family law. It is committed to upholding the cause of justice, human rights and the rule of law in Hong Kong. In order to remain true to the principles it holds onto, it will take on worthy cases on a pro bono basis.

The firm has extensive experience in representing individuals seeking international protection in Hong Kong. It has served as legal representatives in most of the leading cases on international protection in Hong Kong, setting local and international precedents on a range of issues, including right to due process, prohibition of non-refoulement, and a range of socio-economic rights of persons receiving international protection. The current process for screening individuals for risk of torture; cruel, inhuman, degrading treatment and punishment; and risk of persecution – known as the Unified Screening Mechanism (USM) – arose largely from sustained strategic litigation conducted by our law firm. It continues to set precedents, most recently with respect to the protection of victims of human-trafficking and the criminalization of the crime.

Members of the firm are active in local and regional professional associations. Mark Daly is a bencher (Member of the governing council) of the Law Society of Hong Kong and an active participant in Law Asia, and international network of lawyers in the region. Mark and his associates have a deep engagement with civil society, politicians and the popular media in Hong Kong. The firm have supported local civil society initiatives and conducted a sustained campaign of advocacy in support of their strategic litigation. We have worked closely with UNHCR both locally and internationally and have spoken at a number of events organised by both civil society and UNHCR to share the lessons of our success in Hong Kong.